I dunno if some of you readers know, but I was quite the avid photographer back then because of my school course. Hahaha call me lazy but since I hated doing graphic design, editing videos or painting, I decided to go for an easier medium and ~*~photography~*~ seemed like an easier choice.
Of course nothing speaks of a more cliche photography subject choice then sunsets but I dunno man, there's just something bout basking in that warm glow of one whilst adjusting your shutter speed and snapping away. Almost makes me feel like my existence is almost beautiful for a split second. Before nonsense like bills and obligations kick in. :'D
I then decided to delve into the ~*~fabulous~*~ world of fashion photography which was a short stint until I found my calling in fashion styling hahaha. But it did help cause I empathize even more greatly with photographers when they get so stressed over styling. Ivanho, I'm sorry if you're reading this HAHAHAHAHA.
Beautiful *-*