Spinal Bone Harness - OS Accessories.
Cuffed Black Shorts - Black Peace Now.

Was lying around whilst weeping to the ending of The Lion King one night when my friend called and was all YO BITCH I CAN'T FIND A MODEL TO DO A PHOTOGRAPHY PROJECT SIAL LAH DAMN DESPO AH so guess who modelled for him at 12:30am in the morning?
It was a crazy quick shoot because he has just started and we finished in like 20 minutes? PROFESSIONAL ANOT, PROFESSIONAL ANOT?!?! HAHAHAHA. Apparently he wanted some kind of grunge-y Lana Del Ray-esque shoot so nothing says that better than a cigarette and a giant spinal harness attached to your back.
Will be heading to Men's Fashion Week tomorrow (SO EGGCITEXZXX) so in the mean time, talk to me...
On Twitter - @bryangohey
On Formspring - formspring.me/bryangohey
Or contact me through my email @ bryangohzc@gmail.com
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